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CF Clearly Future
CF Clearly Future

is an Austrian NPO, committed to threefold objectives: raising awareness for CF as a disease widely unknown in Austria; empowering CF patients and families and facilitating their everyday life with CF; and raising funds to support CF science and research.

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CF Cystic Fibrosis
CF Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal genetic hereditary disease. The salt metabolism of the body’s own cells is disturbed by a genetic mutation. Without medical aid, people with CF would suffocate or starve.

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Can Fight CF
Can Fight CF

CF is known as a childhood disease, because in previous times, early adulthood was hardly achieved by children. In recent years, intense research has raised life expectancy from three years to over thirty. But this lifetime is still too short!


CF Fighter Shares Favorite Workout: Brooke's Circuit

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to CF-Galaxy


‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to CF’ is a joyful lifestyle tool, guiding through specific aspects of life with CF, promoting life with CF not just as a diagnosis, but as a challenging, dynamic lifestyle.

Check out yummy recipes and fun exercises with committed and renowned athletes and chefs.

Watch More of the CF GALAXY

Deepest Man on Earth: Herbert Nitsch

Hitchhiking through

the CF Galaxy !

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to CF- The Galaxy Edition is a comforting, joyful, intergalactic online-guide, presenting fresh aspects of old problems and new aspects from different perspectives through the expertise of athletes, chefs, CF-community activists, and strong fighters from all over the world. The guide aims at helping to turn angst into caution, obligation into pleasure and restrictions into challenges. 


Get ready to hitchhike